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Minuteman Hopewell Fireplace Fireback

Minuteman Hopewell Fireplace Fireback

While some people think of firebacks as being purely decorative, they do indeed serve several very practical purposes. Solid cast iron firebacks absorb heat and then radiate the heat directly into the room, making the fireplace much more efficient in heating the house. Also, firebacks protect firebrick, increasing the life of the fireplace. Firebacks are designed to rest on the floor of the hearth, however, fireback "boots" may be used to hold the fireback upright and raise it off the hearth floor if extra height is desired.

Hopewell cast iron fireback
23" Wide x 23" High
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Minuteman Hopewell Fireplace Fireback
71 lbs
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Minuteman Hopewell Fireplace Fireback
Shipping Weight 71 lbs
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  Please note: We cannot ship this item to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico or Canada

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Minuteman Hopewell Fireplace Fireback